Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Friday, September 16, 2011

Three Cheers for Friday!  My dad went to his Aikido class and dropped me off at the Y where I did 45 minutes of cardio. I am really happy that I could end the week with a great cardio workout - bpm at 170! Oh yeah, the dude push ups were also good today - 3 sets of 15 - YES!!!!!

After the gym, I got a ride to my friends place and chilled with a few of them.  We watched movies and ate snacks. I was hoping that it wasn’t going to be a full-out junk food night. 

So I brought popcorn (Orville Redenbacher’s Microwave Popcorn) and a veggie platter, and we also had a fruit tray and dip!  I am proud of them for knowing that the chips and pop are simply not healthy for us!  OK, so we did have some Coke, but I drank water too!

According to the CalorieCount website for Oriville Redenbacher popcorn (http://caloriecount.about.com/calories-orville-redenbachers-movie-theater-butter-i90209) this specific microwavable brand gets a Nutrition grade of B- , with 120 calories for 102 grams. This mark is actually quite good compared to the other types of popcorn featured on the site! And I thought popcorn would be a healthy choice. 

So I’m glad I didn’t pig out, but I did eat a lot of yellow, orange and red peppers!!! Delicious!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Went on the treadmill for 35 minutes and had a heart rate of 170 bpm for most of the time. Feelin’ great!  Then I went rock climbing tonight and had a great time! 

Checked my flexibility and I am 4” from a split! I think I am also getting stringer from those dude push ups! Climbing is sooo easy – instructor tells me that because my hips are placed towards the wall, I am not using force to climb, but technique. But my grip certainly helps!

You know, I like what I am seeing in the mirror. My muscles look more toned and I am feeling so good and confident about myself. My dad says it’s all about attitude!


With him being a fitness nut, it is always mind over matter with him. (This week he is on a rampage about not eating chocolate!) Hmpfh! 

Anyway, I like how I look. So I ask you..... why do people make you feel like there is something wrong with you when you like yourself the way you are?

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

My parents told me that I had to get my priorities straight!   

OK, so my mom sees my computer with:
  • YouTube open with music playing
  • my Facebook open
  • my SKYPE open, so
then accuses  me of not doing my homework. I WAS doing my homework - a partner assignment with a friend from class! Jeeeeze! But I get a lecture on priorities and getting things done and focusing on the task, blah, blah, blah, blah....

Let me give you some background… 

I am a teen with dyslexia (in my case I mix up patterns, numbers, letters and stuff) and I also have difficulty focusing for longer periods of time … oh look, a squirrel!  See what I mean? I have ADHD, but not severe enough for me to be on any meds. Anyways, my mom who also has the same thing, lectured me on how I had to focus and not have too many distractions.  (Look, the squirrel again!) We had a discussion on what a distraction is.  Here is what I mean…

For me, when the teacher tells the whole class to be quiet and that is a distraction for me.  I am NOT daydreaming when I look out the window while the teacher is lecturing. Yeah, I tune out, because the teacher hasn’t grabbed my attention, as she is yelling at another kid to keep quiet or something. There are many teachers that I don’t zone out with cuz they know how to teach me!

Then the teacher hands out something to read. OMG, she put in one of those fancy fonts again and soooooo small that now the writing is a blurrrr – and look, the squirrel!  So I ask for her to make a copy and enlarging the font cuz she forgot to do this again.  "A" wants one like mine too! "B" makes a derogatory comment. "C" throws his pencil to "D" but misses and it hits "E". I giggle and then get in trouble, get sent to the office to do my work. Works for me!  Grab my iPod on the way there and get all my work done in the office in ½ the time! There is soft music playing (classical stuff, but still OK) and the view outside is nice too – more squirrels!!! Lol…..

Anyways, enough of the disability and the ADHD.  My mom tells me that I have a condition (just like my diabetic friend) – and we have to deal with our difficulties as best as we can.  I guess my mom was right and that I do have to prioritize as it does take me longer to finish a task sometimes because of that squirrel!!!

So I finished my homework on SKYPE, downloaded a few tunes and went to the gym to do a few laps! I work differently. Do you think I got my priorities right? 

Look, a squirrel………

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Hi Everyone!

Enjoyed the pool tonight and did laps. Kept my cardio up for 30 minutes and it was going really well except I don’t like what the chlorine does to my hair. It feels all dry and brittle so I need more conditioner. Mom!!!!!

You remember my posting about having more people back in the gym? “Back to School” seems to be a marketing field day for the retailers and other sellers of services.  Well, I was talking to my parents over dinner (yes, we eat dinner together most of the time) about this and we think it’s because everyone is getting back top a schedule and wants to work towards a goal. January is another month for new beginnings and new goals!

My fitness goals haven’t really changed - I want to improve on my cardio and my splits. Then I want to get into gymnastics again (since my concussion) as I still need to be careful. My parents are supportive as long as I keep my schoolwork up to date. Dad says focus on the end result and break it into smaller chunks. So this is what I am doing. Getting into gymnastics by working to get my fitness, cardio, endurance and flexibility into excellent form!

I’ll keep you all posted!

Monday, September 12, 2011

I went to the Y to do a cardio workout today and I am so comfortable doing 30 minutes at my target heart rate, now about 170bpm!  I also did 3 sets of 20 dude push ups today, so I was rockin’!   

And I came home starving!!!!!   I had a really bad pasta craving and guess what was for dinner!  Pasta! And she had made three different sauces!!! 

My dad likes meat sauce, 

mom likes alfredo and

I like alfredo and tomato, so we each got what we wanted!  I had mine with tons of Parmesan cheese!

Pasta is high in carbs. But did you know that the longer you boil it the more carbs it gets??? My mom told me this but I don't get it. She has a science background but maybe she got things mixed up?!? 

So anyways, she cooks the pasta "al dente" and says that when she boils her pasta for 5 minutes, its glycemic index is like 30-35. But after 20 minutes the glycemic index can go up to 55-65! The glycemic index is the carb measurment. Basically, the higher the glycemic index, the worse the carb is for you and the sooner you'll be hungry again.

She also told me that the nutritional value of our pasta meal makes it somewhat suitable for maintaining optimum health.  "Go look it up" she tells me as dad gives her two thumbs up.  

So I did!  According to the National Pasta Association (not joking!), this is because it is low in saturated fat and sodium and high in thiamin and folate. Check out their site at http://www.ilovepasta.org/nutrition.html

Just don’t eat too much as it also can help you gain weight!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Had a lot of homework in math and science so I finished that up before going to the Y to work on my Cardio and then on some Flexibility and some Strength!  

I felt really good about myself and did really well:

- 30 min cardio
- making progress on splits
- increasing my push ups! (gotta remember to keep my back straight)

Saturday, September 10, 2011

I am about half way through my PPL10 course and it’s time to find out how I’m doing so today I finished my 2nd Physical Fitness Review as well as my 2nd Active Living Review. 

Both assignments are going to be handed in today and I hope I get an “A”! Wish me luck!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Friday, September 9, 2011

Today I vegged! That's it! 
That's all! 

Vegetables and fruit are nature’s fast food - just wash and go! There are lots of vegetables and fruits to choose from and many delicious ways to prepare them.

The Canada Food Guide recommends that you choose at least one dark green and one orange vegetable each day.
  • Try dark green vegetables such as: arugula, broccoli, chard, dandelion greens, gai lan, kale/collards, mustard greens, and salad greens including romaine lettuce, spinach or mesclun mix; and
  • Try orange vegetables such as carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, pumpkin or yams. Apricots, cantaloupes, mangoes, nectarines, papaya and peaches also contain vitamin A and can be chosen instead of one orange vegetable.
If Canada Food Guide link does not work, go to:  http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/fn-an/food-guide-aliment/choose-choix/index-eng.php

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Tonight after school I went to the conditioning room, plugged myself in with my iPod and worked out on the treadmill.  

It was waaaaaay more crowded that I had seen it over the summer so it must be that either :

        1. everyone is reading my blog and wanting to work out with me, or 
        2. the summer is officially over! 

Anyways, I still use the Talk Test – its’ easy!   For my cardio workout, my target heart rate needs to be between 70%-85% of my maximum heart rate, or 144-175 bpm – so I was comfortable at 168 bpm today!

I wrapped things up with a Yoga class and was ready to go to bed by 8pm!!!!!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

So this week, I am looking at Emergency Scene Management (EMS). This is the emergency procedures recommended by St. John’s Ambulance in their First Aid training.

Everyone should be trained or at the very least knowledgeable in First Aid.  In my course, there is an 8-step procedure to manage an emergency scene.


You can view and download a 55-page PowerPoint presentation on First Aid. It's a great study guide or refresher for anyone! Here's the link http://www.docstoc.com/docs/33280370/St-John-Ambulance-First-Aid

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Today was my first day back at school and I was sooooo excited to see all of my friends again!


 I had already been accepted in to the IB program in May of this year so over the the summer I completed my CAS hours for Creativity. I took a Multiple Canvas painting course and I was involved in the production of a stop motion film.

I like my courses, my schedule and my teachers, so all is good!   

But I was lazy and did not go to the gym at all tonight. Besides, I already got homework as I am now in the IB program. Yay.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Today is a holiday, but I went to work out anyways. 

It was 10am and most of my friends were sleeping in so I did some quick stretching and then went for a run in the park by our house. 

It was me and the dog walkers (LOOL).  

I went for almost 30 minutes!  After that I just walked to cool down.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Went to the conditioning room today to work on my flexibility and stretching.   
My splits are now at about 3½ inches off the floor, so things are looking good! 

I enjoyed the stretching because I find it relaxing.

Wednesday, August 31, 20111

Today was another neighbor’s pool day – and my legs still hurt (LOOL). 

This morning, I was trying to teach Ryan how to do aquafit with the pool noodles and he looked ridiculous! Hmmmmmmm, do I look this stupid too? But we did come up with a great idea for a Halloween costume!!!

We did several resistance moves. I had to tell him that the higher that you hold the noodle (meaning the closer your hands are together on the noodle), the easier that it would be, (meaning that there is less resistance). 
We both got quite the water workout before the morning was up!

Tonight I went for Yoga again.   

I learned that if you tighten up your butt during a handstand, it makes it a lot easier on your arms and balance.  If you loosen your butt, you’re basically doomed!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

When I woke up this morning, I discovered that when using the step machine, you do not feel the workout until the NEXT day! ‘An man, do you feel it!  My legs REALLY hurt today. 

Anyways, today was a swimming day and I really enjoyed the pool today – not crowded at all, so I could do 12 laps with ease.   

When I came home, I went to the neighbor’s pool for several hours where we played Colors.  What you do in Colors, is you pick one out of five colors and there is one person that is outside the pool and they are standing on the diving board. They call out one color at a time and if they call out your color, you must swim as fast as you can to get to the other side before they dive in and touch you! If you get touched, then you are “it” and become the one that calls out the colors.

Then we played Shark. What happens in Shark is that one person is in the middle of the pool. They yell “fish, fish, fish, fish”. When they yell “Shark” they must dive to the bottom of the pool, touch it, resurface and try to touch one other player. If another player is touched by the Shark, they become “it”, or they can become a second Shark if there are many players.

Monday, August 29, 2011

I went to the YMCA today with some friends and we ended up in the conditioning room. I used the step machine and it seemed too easy, so I just kept going and going and going….. for 35 minutes!Felt like I was climbing a never ending staircase!

The ab cruncher was quite a challenge since you could feel the “burn” right away.  After my three sets, we decided to compete! 

I did as much as I could in 120 seconds but I didn’t count ‘cause I thought my partner was counting!  Aaargh!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Sunday, August 28, 2011

One of the topics of this course is CPR, or Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation. 

KidsHealth.com describes CPR (or cardiopulmonary resuscitation) as a combination of rescue breathing (mouth-to-mouth resuscitation) and chest compressions. If someone isn't breathing or circulating blood adequately, CPR can restore circulation of oxygen-rich blood to the brain. Without oxygen, permanent brain damage or death can occur in less than 8 minutes.”

I already took CPR as part of my St. John’s Ambulance babysitting course.  Did you know that if you’re going to suffer cardiac arrest, you better hope that it happens in a public place rather than at home. 
There is an interesting Globe&Mail article (http://www.theglobeandmail.com/life/health/new-health/conditions/heart-and-stroke/treatment/its-better-to-suffer-cardiac-arrest-in-a-public-place-study/article1883790/) that describes research showing that a person whose heart stops is 3x more likely to survive if the incident occurs in a public place than in a private residence! Hmmmmm.......
Canadian Red Cross and the St. John’s Ambulance are both good resources for more information!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Went rock climbing and it was pretty quiet this afternoon so I had the instructor to myself.  It was easy so I changed climbing walls to a higher degree of difficulty and I still got to the top to ring the bell. 

Hung out at the Teen Club afterwards for a while and had a snack there while I talked to a few of the instructors.  I got a real boost from them as they really encouraged my progress so it makes me feel good to have those around me noticing my progress. 
I am happy for my cardio and my strength, but my flexibility for my splits needs some work. One of the instructors said that it’s OK to re-evaluate and makes changes.   

She says that “it’s no big whoop”. lol

Friday, August 26, 2011

This afternoon I went swimming and then to Yoga class. 

I got the mean motivational instructor again!  I walk in to the room and think, “Oh NOOOOOO!”, but then we get started and she just knows how much to push you to get you to do better - I really enjoyed it!  Worked on leg flexibility and strength. I’m getting good at my "Tree Pose". 

Came home, had a fast bite to eat and went off to my art class at Shannon’s from 6-10pm to work on another project that I am finishing up for my IB CAS project!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

OK!  So I am back from vacation and am having a hard time getting into my routine. My parents were telling me about the importance of routines, bla bla bla ...

Sleeping in is waaaayyy more important to me than getting up – WTF!!! (can I say that on my blog Mr. Strutt?) … OMG, it’s summer so give me a break!!!!!!

 So now that I’ve got that off my mind, I did go to the YMCA and had a great time seeing my gym friends again in the condition room!  Had my iPod with some tunes that I downloaded and really got my cardio going!  Here’s one from BOTDF (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yH3vaMIBMjk&feature=fvsr) My dad isn’t too fond of it but the tune is pumpin’! (it’s NOT the clean version).

Remember the Talk Test?  No problem.  
Target Heart Rates? For my cardio workout, I have to be between 70%-85% of my maximum heart rate, or 144-175 bpm – so I was comfortable at 165bpm today!