Saturday, September 10, 2011

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Today was my first day back at school and I was sooooo excited to see all of my friends again!


 I had already been accepted in to the IB program in May of this year so over the the summer I completed my CAS hours for Creativity. I took a Multiple Canvas painting course and I was involved in the production of a stop motion film.

I like my courses, my schedule and my teachers, so all is good!   

But I was lazy and did not go to the gym at all tonight. Besides, I already got homework as I am now in the IB program. Yay.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kim!

    Congratulations on surviving your first day at school! The IB program that you are in will have a heavier workload that you had last year, but you will see that you all will have the same complaint - you'll ALL be whining about the workload! (ha ha ha) But just hang in there as some of your fellow students will be entering the program while others will quit within the first month.

    I am glad you like your schedule and the teachers. I think that the fact that you have started an online course is of benefit to you as it certainly has taught you to stay current and be self motivated!

    You do not need to be hard on yourself just because you miss a day here and there - just don't make it a habit... and stick to it!
