Saturday, September 17, 2011

Monday, September 12, 2011

I went to the Y to do a cardio workout today and I am so comfortable doing 30 minutes at my target heart rate, now about 170bpm!  I also did 3 sets of 20 dude push ups today, so I was rockin’!   

And I came home starving!!!!!   I had a really bad pasta craving and guess what was for dinner!  Pasta! And she had made three different sauces!!! 

My dad likes meat sauce, 

mom likes alfredo and

I like alfredo and tomato, so we each got what we wanted!  I had mine with tons of Parmesan cheese!

Pasta is high in carbs. But did you know that the longer you boil it the more carbs it gets??? My mom told me this but I don't get it. She has a science background but maybe she got things mixed up?!? 

So anyways, she cooks the pasta "al dente" and says that when she boils her pasta for 5 minutes, its glycemic index is like 30-35. But after 20 minutes the glycemic index can go up to 55-65! The glycemic index is the carb measurment. Basically, the higher the glycemic index, the worse the carb is for you and the sooner you'll be hungry again.

She also told me that the nutritional value of our pasta meal makes it somewhat suitable for maintaining optimum health.  "Go look it up" she tells me as dad gives her two thumbs up.  

So I did!  According to the National Pasta Association (not joking!), this is because it is low in saturated fat and sodium and high in thiamin and folate. Check out their site at

Just don’t eat too much as it also can help you gain weight!

1 comment:

  1. Neat link for pasta Kim!

    And I also wanted to tell you that your mom is correct about the cooking time of pasta! I am glad that you have stumbled upon the GI of carbohydrates. As a diabetic, it is something that I have paid attention to!

    P.S. The spaghetti looks DELICIOUS!
