Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

This afternoon, I went to the YMCA and decided to try out their Cycle-Fit class, as it is something I’ve never tried but looked like a lot of fun!

Because of my personal goal if improving my cardio, I wanted to know how to monitor my cardiovascular endurance. The instructor directed me to the posters on the wall and explained that for me, my:

  • Normal Resting Heart Rate ~ between 50-90 beats per minute (bpm). Because of differences in our teen bodies and our physiology, my resting heart rate range is greater than for other age groups.
·         Maximum Heart Rate ~ about 200-205 bpm. To calculate my maximum heart rate in bpm, I used this formula: 220 – age = 206.
  • Target Heart Rate for:
    • fat loss workout, I must work at between 50%-70% of my maximum heart rate, or 103-144 bpm.
    • cardio workout, I need to be between 70%-85% of my maximum heart rate, or 144-175 bpm.

Calculating my Target Heart Rate:                                                           
  • Start with wrist facing palm up. 
  • Place index and 2nd fingers on wrist, below thumb. 
  • Once you feel your pulse, begin counting the beats for 10 seconds. 
  • Multiply that number by 6 to bet the Target Heart Rate.

Anyhow, during the 55-minute class, we pedaled like gangbusters to some high octane tunes that were meant to increase our heartbeats --- ‘gotta love Hedley’s Cha-Ching for a great warm up song!  OMG, the class was such a blast! 

Somewhere along the midway point of the class, our instructor asked that we show our enthusiasm for the ride by joining in with the lyrics and singing along ~ out loud.  And then I measured my heart rate at 167 bpm!

When I got home, I proudly showed off the sweat marks on my t-shirt to my friends Ethan and Ryan!


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